About Larry

As a California native from a small family who never met any of my grandparents, I always wanted to know more about where my family came from. I was limited in the number of living family members that were available to ask about my ancestry, and they also had very few documents to identify my family linage.  Leveraging my limited knowledge of my own family, I began a wonderful journey of discovery, and found a love for genealogy.

I love a challenge and a mystery. When a client comes to me with little knowledge of their family, the next journey begins, and as the yet undiscovered information reveals itself, I am able to put together their story, and feel a deep sense of accomplishment.

In the last 30 years, I have conducted research for numerous families and written in excess of ten family books regarding my own linage from the mid-1400′s to present day.

Genealogy is part science and part art, leveraging dates, locations, and knowledge about historical events which influenced our ancestors to move from one geographic area to another.  I have access to most major genealogy research databases and extensive experience in performing research at both the west coast National Archives, California Genealogical Society Library, and the Sutro California State Genealogy Library in South San Francisco.

I specialize in California research, but also have in-depth experience in U.S. National, European, and Canadian research.

I am a member of the California Genealogical Society, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the Mayflower Society of California and the Association of Professional Genealogists.