Ancestry and Descendancy of Thomas Frost

After 100 years, the most extensive and concise book regarding the ancestors and descendants of Thomas Frost (1718-1798) of Hebron, Connecticut has been produced! This two-volume hard-bound set details the ancestry and over 7,000 descendants of Thomas Frost, with over 35 previously undiscovered family connections, detailed in over 980 pages. Included are over 1,000 photos of family members.

Visit for details regarding the major surnames contained in the book.


Volume I includes:

Preface, Introductions, Acknowledgements / Frequently Used Reference Book Titles / Part I – Thomas Frost of the Kennebec / Part II – The Second Generation / Part III – The Third Generation – Thomas Frost (1718 – 1798) / Part IV – The Fourth and Later Generations.

Volume II includes:

The continuation of Part IV – The Fourth and Later Generations.
